Thursday 9 August 2012

Galactic Empire or Global Empire? or, How the dark side can triumph.

Aside from the obvious Star Wars comparisons, if I had to create a media empire it would take the form of Walt Disney Company. As a multi-media conglomerate that owns and operates outlets from ABC Television Group to ESPN to Pixar Animation to Marvel Comics and they are still able to maintain its image as the “happiest place on earth”. The idea of Disney as a friendly and safe organization is ingrained in society through the prevalence of Mickey Mouse and animated films throughout the 20th and 21st Century. The public connects the films like Aladdin, Cinderella and Snow White with the identity of the Walt Disney Company and rarely perceives the media giant lurking beneath. This to me is an example of successful marketing in that a major company can operate with almost anonymity to the public which begets the question; Is Mickey Mouse Darth Vader?

I believe there is an inherent difficulty with balancing a media organization wile financial stability. Media corporations exist due to the support financial backers who might attempt to exert a form of control over the opinions and contents. The operation of Media Empire is a constant balancing act between accuracy and immediacy, criticism and pandering, Light and Dark!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! What a fantastic blog! I found the references to Disney were great to engage. Additionally, you have a fantastic sense of humour! The references to Darth Vader and Star Wars were great light relief. The picture is great, it really adds to your argument. Have you considered that the ‘Happiest place on Earth’ phrase is losing value with today’s public? If you could, would you change that phrase? Very cleaver. Can’t wait to read more!
