Monday 30 July 2012

The Artist of Definition...

In my last Blog I discussed the difficulty in defining globalisation while attempting to do it myself. I Failed! Even my best definition felt lacking in depth and understanding. But even academics fail to completely articulate globalisation. The three definitions I have posted are from the reading and each takes at different position and focus when dealing with globalisation.
Albrow states “Globalisation refers to all those processes by which the people of the world are incorporated into a single world society, global society”.
Thompson however, postulates, “Globalisation refers to the growing interconnectedness of different parts of the world, a process which gives rise to complex forms of interaction and interdependency”.

Rantanen adds “Globalisation is a process in which worldwide economic, political, cultural and social relations have become increasingly mediated across time and space.”

I believe the definition is all of these and by extension none of them. Albrow discusses globalisation through a social prism, where Thompson deals in a very broad term and to an extent is negative and finally Rantanen defines the relationship between facets.

I think the Academy Award winning film The Artist might help in defining globalisation. The film is a French-American production, similar to The Fifth Element, and is both a homage and portrayal of the silent film era. The film is black and white, and entirely silent, except music, and uses both facial and physical queues, with help from inter-tiles, to portray emotion and plot. This removal of voice allows it to ‘speak’ to a larger audience and the French lead actor was able to portray himself in a globally recognisible manner through physical troupes.


Rantanen, T2005, ‘Theorizing media globalization’, The media and globalization, Sage, London, pp1-18

The Avenging Reality of Globalisation

Globalisation is a difficult concept to describe due to the multitude of facets and components. Jan Nederveen Pieterse claims that it “crosses boundaries” including business’s, governments, media and social movements. Pieterse further elaborates that it is can be defined through different “prisms” with each absorbing and displaying a facet of the human condition.
Personally, I would articulate globalisation as the interconnecting and interaction of different cultures, nations and demographics through technological, verbal and physical means. But even this description fails to describe globalisation.
The term is constantly evolving and being shaped through technological, social and political changes. Pieterse attempts to identify certain points of consensus and controversy when trying to define globalisation.

Pieterse’s claims a consensus that globalisation is shaped by technology but questions whether globalisation is multidimensional or economic. Personally I find globalisation a multidimensional concept and is personified in films.

The Avengers recently broke box office records in the USA but of its worldwide gross of $1.46 Billion over $800 Million is from outside the US. The film is VERY American, with a group of American heroes, excluding an Australian Norse God, trying to protect New York and eventually the world from invasion. The Film even has a man draped in the “Stars and Stripes” leading the team; CAPTAIN AMERICA.

Contrary to the American focus the film made nearly $90 Million in China and $50 Million in Russia, both high box office returns, from nations that have been characterised as enemies in the US or have actually spent a large portion of the last century opposing each other. Globalisation at work!!!


Nederveen Pieterse, J 2004, ‘Globalization: consensus and controversies’, ’Globalization and culture: global mélange’, Rowan & Littlefield, Lanham, Md., pp. 7–21.,r:9,s:0,i:98

Monday 16 July 2012


Welcome All to my blog for ACT215 Globalisation and the Media at Deakin.

My name is Christopher and I will be blogging about globalisation using films to relate the concepts in an easily understood manner!

I hope you enjoy and get introduced to films and media!